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About Us

Clovis Senior Activity Center

Our Mission: The mission of the Clovis Senior Activity Center is to provide seniors with activities and services to help them maintain a fulfilling and active life.

The Clovis Senior Activity Center sponsors a wide range of classes, programs, and activities to promote healthy and independent living for individuals 50 years and older. No membership fee is required, although classes and sessions have a small activity fee and/or registration fee. Also, participants are asked to complete a confidential registration form with contact information in case of emergencies. Participants do not need to reside in Clovis to participate in our programs.


We offer lots of fun activities for active seniors. A few examples are Line dancing, painting, card making, exercise class, Zumba, yoga, tai chi, writing your memoirs, dancing (with live music entertainment), bridge, Mexican train, pinochle, and billiards. We have resources and information about housing options, long-term care, Medicare, and in-home care assistance. Find out about our many special events throughout the entire year by signing up for our free newsletter.

The center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. In addition to classes, activities, and programs, seniors are welcome to drop in for coffee and conversation during our hours of operation.

For more information about the Clovis Senior Activity Center please click on for an up-to-date calendar of activities and events, our monthly newsletter, and to register for classes.